Our Approach

Why Join Us

We want to offer Real Estate Investment Club's an easy way to grow their membership by offering them benefits and discounts all around the globe. We want to help you gain members by helping potential members find your club and let them know they are joining a member of the National REIC. We started this company in 2017 as there was no inexpensive option for a National Club that offers resources that an Investment Club needs. We have been in the business of running a Real Estate Investment Club for 10+ years. We have been in Real Estate Investing for 20 years, Wholesaling, Rehabbing, Rentals, Land Development, We have done 100's of Deals.

Our Member Login Page

The Perfect Reward or Incentive For Your Members! We offer a variety of reward/discount product types all geared towards a Real Estate Investors needs. A one-stop-portal to create, send and manage all your rewards, incentives, and discounts to your members. Also on the log in page is an area for your members that includes discounts and savings for family type businesses too over 200 Gift Cards, 225,000 Hotels and Thousands of Entertainment Offers on Top Brands, including Theme Parks, Shows, Movie Tickets and much more. Because it's not all work, there has to be time for play too, so we added discounts for your members families as well.


Next Steps...

Simply sign up with us as a member and offer your members all of our discounts and partnerships we have worked out for all of you. We are here for you and your club: to help you grow, to boost membership, to help book top of the line speakers your competitors can't, to help with links to your website via links from our page and backlinks from other pages and forums. The last part is one thing that makes us different than our competition, besides price, who are we kidding among many other things too.